As most of you will know, in addition to writing articles about IELTS on this website, I also make YouTube videos. I do this because some people prefer to learn through videos and it is an easy, free way for people to learn how to improve at IELTS.

I began making these YouTube videos in February, 2018, and so I have been doing it for a little over a year and a half. In that time, I have gained about 5,000 subscribers, and I’m really happy with the progress. (This time last year, I had just 1,000 subscribers!) I like to think that my videos are useful for people all around the world.

Some of them have been really popular and others not so popular. 😅 However, I think that generally they are improving in quality with each passing month. I will continue to make them on a regular schedule and try to improve them each time so that they can help all of you in your quest for IELTS success.

Today’s blog post is simply designed to introduce a few of the most recent videos I have posted to my YouTube channel. I hope that you can watch them when you get the chance.

ielts youtube channel

Writing a Task 2 Essay – the Full Process

A few weeks ago, I made this video to show you the complete process of writing an IELTS task 2 essay. In the video, I go through the process of writing an essay step-by-step from start to finish.

Giving Controversial IELTS Answers

Sometimes, IELTS offers up questions that are really hard to answer… and sometimes you just don’t know whether your answer to the question is appropriate or not. Are there rules about what you should say? Should you avoid saying certain things? Is there anything that’s forbidden? 🤐

This video looks at the idea of controversial IELTS answers, asking whether you can or should say something really unexpected.

Describe a Piece of Art you Like

In the past, I have actually made many videos about IELTS speaking part 2 cue cards. I find that these generally tend to be my most popular videos, and this one certainly got a positive response, too. So far it has gotten quite a few views and likes, so I’m really happy with the response.

This video outlines how to answer the seemingly difficult speaking topic: describe a piece of art you like. In it, I describe a painting by Botticelli.

Giving Examples in IELTS Writing

My most recent video, published just yesterday, again looks at IELTS writing task 2. In it, I explore how to give good examples in your essay. Examples are important because the marking rubric asks for you to expand upon your ideas. But how do you actually include examples in your IELTS writing? I will show you some great techniques.

Don’t forget to sign up for the channel in order to catch future videos. If you found these ones useful, you can give me a like and leave a comment. I’d really appreciate it.