Here are some recent videos I have made to help you get through the IELTS exam. These are intended for both IELTS speaking and IELTS listening. You can subscribe here if you want weekly lessons for free.

How to Structure IELTS Map Descriptions

This video talks about the structure that you need to use for your task 1 reports when describing a map. I wrote about describing maps here and about task 1 structure here, but this video looks specifically at structure for maps. It deals with how to write an introduction and how to group and sequence your data in the body paragraphs.

Describe a Childhood Memory

For IELTS speaking part 2, you could be asked to describe a childhood memory. I wrote about that here and it is also the subject of this recent video:

You can learn about childhood in general here.

How to Write a Good First Sentence

A good essay should begin with a good sentence. This will grab your reader and focus their attention. But how can you do that effectively? Well, there are many things to consider and I talk about them in this video:

How to Give Great Answers for IELTS Speaking Part 2

Part 2 of the speaking test is notoriously difficult. It requires you to speak for more than 1 minute on a topic that will be shown on a cue card. This makes people really scared but with these 7 handy tips you don’t need to be afraid any more!

Describe a Polite Person

Another IELTS speaking part 2 cue card is describe a polite person. That’s the subject of this video, in which I talk about vocabulary, structure, and much more:

The Danger of Complicated Essays

When it comes to IELTS writing, most students seem to think that complicated is better, but this is simply not true. In fact, when you try to write really complicated essays, you are likely to make many silly mistakes that will cause you to get a low band score. That’s all explained in this helpful video: